
On the verge of a nervous breakdown. Really.

Hungry as hell.

Decided to make myself some dinner...some rice and leftover Indian food. My rice was mushy...but, tried rescuing it...then it got too dry.

My Indian food?...Well, I walked into the kitchen to see what happened to it...except I couldn't see the kitchen...I opened the door and all there was was black and grey smoke...I closed the door quickly so my landlords wouldn't smell anything and the building wouldn't go into fire alarm mode...(not that there are such things here)...anyway, I start coughing violently from all the smoke inhalation...make my way over to the window, open it...stuff my head in my shirt, and freeze to death...

So much for Indian food.

So, I decide to eat rice alone...but I'm starving for something else. So I put some soup on the stove. I should have known better...

My landlord's yell woke me from my work...yes, I had burned all the soup and it was all over the stove...smoke everywhere...again. My landlord was like...what's happened here? She got her husband to come out too, and they both stared at me...where like..."attention"...you're gonna burn down the house...

I tried to put myself between them and the blackened pot behind me...hoping they wouldn't notice that, at least.

So, no soup. Starving now...but burned everything.

My landlord called me a name...coquinne, which means someone malicious...but in the French sense of it, which means I am basically a troublemaker...you tell it to young kids (i had to look it up)...she was joking---ish...

Well, I went back to my computer. Already disheartened with my work...now with my lack of food...(they wouldn't let me eat the leftover sip of soup in the pot...b/c they said everything had to cool down first)...

I get to my desk...and spill a cup of water all over my desk, papers, exam stuff and my mouse...

What else could happen?...

Now waiting for my papers to dry...

So freakin upset with everything I could cry. Perhaps I will channel all that frustration into my work. If only I could.

Of course, I had to insist on a list of all the items in this apartment, according to Center rules, so that now I can pay for each and every tarnished object here. Of which there are many. I always seem to get so engrossed in my work...that I forget about everything else...especially cooking food or boiling water.

My landlords were like...what happened? I started explaining...I was in the middle of...

and they finished off my sentence..."working..."...yeah...

Today they asked me if I had any friends, do I go out ever?

Well geez! Just because I'm home for these couple of days. I mean, I have a paper!...I cannot go out comfortably when I have something like a paper looming. And now...the paper is due very soon, and not only that, but I have regular homework due tomorrow.

I feel sick.

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